This is actually a painting I did for a contest not too long ago based on a book young adult series by Maggie Stiefvater. With the prompt being "Draw the wolves", this is what I came up with. Shelby, the lone wolf of the books. I am immensely pleased with the out come of this! I was also able to sit down and finish this in two days. Determined not to rush things through, my hard work paid off- I won the contest!! (along with several other super talented artists as well!)
This painting is everything I've been talking about. I took my time on the drawing to make sure it was done right, I made sure I worked on the under painting to get my values down, and I executed the colors well! Now if only every painting can go this smoothly!
I've also been enjoying taking the break from painting horses. I think my brain is too stubborn to listen to my eyes when it comes to drawing horses, but with the other subjects I am forced soly to rely upon hand/eye coordination since the image isn't ingrained in my head! It keeps my nice and refreshed without boring me (like still lives do!). Now if I can apply this to the horse paintings it would make life so much easier!
Hopefully I'll be getting some more paintings up here soon. My art table is filled with half finished projects, and sketches. I've been running around too much working with horses and working on finishing a novel I've been working on! :)